Scientific resp. | Acronym | Entitled | Program |
Marie-Liesse DOUBLET | VIDICATE | Versatile Ionomers for DIvalent Calcium Batteries | EXCELLENT SCIENCE – Future and Emerging Technologies (2019) |
Project Coordinator*
Scientific resp. | Acronym | Entitled | Tool |
Matthieu SAUBANERE* | DESCARTES | Designing Correlated And Reduced Theories for Electronic Structures | JCJC 2019 |
Tzonka MINEVA | RUBI | Ultrafast Reactivity of Biomolecules under Irradiation | PRC 2019 |
Eric CLOT | REDNEC | Reduction of N2 to NH3 with Mo Complexes. From Fundamental PCET Reactivity to Efficient Electrocatalysis | PRC 2021 |
Hazar GUESMI | BINOME | Tuning Properties of Bimetallic Supported Catalysts with Ultra-Low Noble Metal Contents from Solid to Liquid State | PRC 2021 |
Local authorities
Scientific resp. | Partner | Acronym | Entitled |
JUND Philippe | REGION OCCITANIE | DECATRAN | Determination by ab initio calculations of heat transport in disordered environments – M. Mbaye Ndour |