Laure Monconduit
- Permanent/chercheur
- Chimie des Matériaux, Nanostructures, Matériaux pour l'Energie
- ICGM - UMR5253 - CC043 - Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche - 1919 route de Mende - 34293 Montpellier cedex 5
- ☎ 04 48 79 20 36
- 📧
- orcid: 0000-0003-3698-856X
Laure Monconduit
After many years dedicated to new materials, new crystallographic arrangements and their structure-properties relationship, LM progressively specialized to materials for electrochemical energy storage, as Li batteries.
Her current research directions include the synthesis and characterization of new electrodes materials, especially anodes for Li-ion, and for post-Li electrochemical systems: Na-, K-, Mg-, Ca- ion batteries. She is specialist of p-bloc element electrode material, with a great specific attention paid on silicon.
LM participates to the renewal of metal batteries (electrode protection and the electrolyte’s modification (polymers, gel, composite electrolytes).
More recently she has embarked on the path of batteries recycling, especially by mechanochemistry.
The understanding of the electrochemical mechanism through operando characterization technics (XRD, IR-ATR, Raman, Mössbauer spectroscopy) is the centre of all her research topics.
I. A propos
After an academic background in the University of Orsay, and a Master in Chemistry of Materials at the University of Nantes, she graduated (PhD) from Nantes University at the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN France), spent one year as Post-Doc at Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart (Germany) and one year as assistant professor at the University de Savoie.
She was appointed Chargée de Recherche at CNRS in 1996 and promoted Research Director (DR2 in 2011, DR1 in 2018).
First years at CNRS were devoted to research of new materials with original structure and properties.
She was leading the thematic group Li-ion of the European network ALISTORE-ERI and co-responsible of the same thematic group in French network RSE2.
She is the author of 185 articles in international peer reviewed journals, of 10 patents, of 4 book chapters, of more than 45 oral presentations in international conferences including 27 invited lectures. She is editor of 2 volumes for the Royal Society and one in Sciences-ISTE series.
- Responsabilité du groupe thématique Batteries du département D4 depuis 2011
- Membre du Bureau du Département « Chimie du Solide et de la Matière Divisée » de l’ICGM depuis 2014
- CoNRS, membre du comité CNRS section 15, 2021-2026
- Vice-présidente du comité ANR Energie Durable, CSE05 2020- 2021, CSE05 2021-2022
- Représentante de l’ICGM au Scientific Council du réseau ALISTORE-ERI 2011-2022
- Représentante de l’ICGM au Conseil Scientifique du RS2E 2012-2019
- Responsable du groupe thématique Li-ion du réseau ALISTORE-ERI 2011-2016
- Co-Responsable du groupe thématique Li-ion avancé du RS2E 2013-2018
- Enseignement en Master 2 Université de Montpellier (qqs heures/an)
II. Activités de recherche
After many years dedicated to new materials, new crystallographic arrangements and their structure-properties relationship, and after discovering of a new lithium rich pnictogenides family, LM progressively specialized to materials for electrochemical energy storage, as Li batteries.
Her current research directions include the synthesis and characterization of new electrodes materials for Li-ion, and for post-Li electrochemical systems: Na-, K-, Mg-, Ca- ion batteries, the improvement of their performance by playing i) on the nano-structuration and the electrode formulation, ii) on the confinement of active element in various matrix. She is specialist of p-bloc element electrode material, with a great specific attention paid on silicon.
LM participates to the renewal of metal batteries (high energy density) by playing either on the electrode protection with oxide scaffold or alloys thin layer on the electrode surface or on the electrolyte’s modification (polymers, gel, composite electrolytes, in collaboration with D2 and D3 ICGM departments), to address the dendrite issue.
More recently she has embarked on the path of batteries recycling, especially by mechanochemistry.
The understanding of the electrochemical mechanism through operando characterization technics (XRD, IR-ATR, Raman, Mössbauer spectroscopy) is the centre of all these research topics.
LM was leader or participant of numerous scientific projects, National projects (ANR, CNRS), European or International project (FP7, H2020, FET-OPEN, bilateral (Israel, UK)).
She is collaborating with many research groups in France (ICMCB, IS2M, IPREM, LRCS, LEPMI, CIRIMAT, IMN, PCM2E,…) and internationally (Sweden, Spain, UK, Canada, Italy,…).
She has also numerous collaborations with industrial partners (Saft, Umicore, Total S.A., Hutchinson, Nanomakers, Pellenc Energy, Renault, SNAM, ROSI) and with CEA (Grenoble & Saclay).