Steven Le Vot
- Permanent/chercheur
- Chimie des Matériaux, Nanostructures, Matériaux pour l'Energie
- ICGM - UMR5253 - CC043 - Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche - 1919 route de Mende - 34293 Montpellier cedex 5
- ☎ 04 48 79 21 02
- 📧
- orcid: 0000-0001-8752-7590
Steven Le Vot is an associate professor at Montpellier University. He joined the ICGM in 2016 to develop research activity dealing with nanostructured material synthesis for advanced electrochemical energy storage devices, electrochemical studies of complex interfaces and tuning of surface properties via functionalizations.
Currently Steven Le Vot is focusing on the development of innovative redox flow batteries and is particularly involved on finding new stable electrolytes for AORFB, investigating electron transfer on modified graphite felts for RFB and investigating redox targeting flow batteries.
Academic qualifications
- 2023 : HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), Université de Montpellier (France)
- 2008-2012: PhD degree in Energy and Materials Sciences – Université du Québec à Montréal (Montréal, Qc, Canada) & Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, centre Energie Matériaux Télécommunications (Varennes, Qc, Canada).
- 2005-2008: Master degree “Physique et Chimie de la Matière”, option “Génie des Matériaux” at “Université de La Rochelle (France)”
Professional positions
- Sept. 2016 – now: Université de Montpellier (chemistry department) and ICGM (D4) – Associate professor (Maître de conferences)
- 2014-2016: CEA-Saclay NIMBE/LICSEN, France: Laboratory of Innovation in Surface Chemistry and Nanosciences – Post-doctoral researcher “Electrochemical and Physico-Chemical Investigation of New Promising N-Functionalized CNT for ORR”
- 2013: UPMC, Paris, France: Phenix & Monaris – Team “Electrochemistry and Ionic Liquids” – Post-doctoral researcher “Synthesis in ionic liquid of tin-based nanoalloys as structured materials for anodic electrode of lithium ion battery”
- 2012: UQAM, Montréal, Canada – Electrochemistry Laboratory of Pr. Daniel Bélanger – Post-doctoral researcher, “Behavior of modified carbon electrodes in ionic liquid electrolytes: application to asymmetric electrochemical capacitors”
- 2008-2012: INRS & UQAM, Montréal, Canada: EMT center and Electrochemistry Laboratory of Pr. Daniel Bélanger – PhD student & teaching assistant “Electrochemical oxidation of NH3 on Pt group metal anodes for wastewater treatment and/or H2 production applications”
Enseignements & Responsabilités
- Responsable du parcours Science de la Matière (en L3) de la licence de Chimie (Faculté des Sciences, Université de Montpellier)
- Membre de la commission RH du département de Chimie (Faculté des Sciences, Université de Montpellier)
- Responsable TP de chimie des matériaux en L3
- Responsable du cours de cristallochimie en L2
- Responsable des TP de chimie minérale en L2
- Responsable du cours de réaction chimique en L1
- Responsable des TP de chimie expérimentale en L1
Autres Responsabilités
- Secrétaire du bureau de la SCF, section Occitanie-Méditerranée
II. Activités de recherche
Redox Flow Batteries for mass energy storage
Upper left: Picture summurizing concept of Aqueous Redox Flow Battery (AORF). It’s a technology that aims to store renewable intermittent energies. It operates in water and energy and power are provided by redox active molecules. These molecules are modified using chemical engineering to improve their solubilities, their potentials and their stabilities. Image from (Chem Soc Rev 2018, 47 (1), 69–103). Upper right: Basic principle of an AORFB with state-of-the-art molecules. Lower left: Criteria to select molecules (Potential, Solubility, Stability, cost and environnematal footprint). Lower Right: Illustration from Kemiwatt website
On stationary battery storage Steven Le Vot is focusing on the development of innovative redox flow batteries. He is particularly involved on 1) finding new stable electrolytes for AORFB 2) investigating electron transfer on modified graphite felts for RFB and 3) investigating redox targeting flow batteries.
For the last 6 years, he has developed its expertise on electrochemical energy storage devices including RFB but also Li-ion battery and supercapacitors working both on advanced electrolytes, and on complex electrode materials (porous carbons and 2D materials). Since his hiring, Steven Le Vot is actively involved on the synthesis of innovative materials for an advanced control of the electrode/electrolyte interface and better understanding of the involved mechanisms for EES devices. He has developed its expertise on pseudocapacitive materials, advanced electrolytes, complex composite electrode materials, porous carbons and 2D materials.
- Patrice Simon – CIRIMAT, Toulouse
- Pierre Louis Taberna – CIRIMAT, Toulouse
- Olivier Ouari – ICR, Marseille
- Emmanuel Baudrin – LRCS, Amiens
Contrats & Collaborations
- PEPR Batterie 2023, High-power and Hybrid BATteries (HIPOHYBAT)
- PHC MAGHREB 2023, Stockage de l’Energie dans des Supercondensateurs Avancés à base de Matériaux 2D et d’Electrolytes innovants (SESAME)
- AAP2021 Contrat-doctoraux Institut Carnot, Interfaces Optimisées Pour Des Batteries à Circulation d’Electrolyte Plus Performantes, Coordinateur
- Thèse RS2E-2021, Overcoming stability issue of nitroxide derivatives for Redox Flow Batteries, coordinateur
- AAPG2021 – ANR, A mediated sodium ion aqueous battery for large scale energy storage, coordinateur WP2 et ICGM
- AAPG2019 – ANR, (Iso)alloxazine derivatives as versatile component for batteries (BattAllox), coordinateur WP4 et ICGM
- PEPS ENERGIE 2019 – CNRS, Nouveaux dispositifs électrochimiques à base d’émulsion de Pickering (Pick-Up), coordinateur
- ASTRID2019 – ANR Electrodes Composities : Nanostructures Silicium-Diélectrique nanométrique – Polymère pour le stockage électrochimique de l’Energie flexibles- tout solides (ECOPE)
- AAPG2019 – ANR, Batteries relying on Lithium-based Water-In-Salt Electrolytes (BALWISE)
- ADEME- Région Occitanie, Electrolyseur alcalin miniaturisé (Pocket)
- LabCom 2017 – ANR, Matériaux et procédés innovants pour électrolyseurs hydrogène/oxygène (MATHELHO)
- AAPG2016 – ANR, Denser and safer energy storage in nanostructured all-solid supercapacitors (DENSSCAPIO)
- MUSE-2017, Energy Storage from Uranium- based Oxides