Vincent Lapinte
- Permanent/chercheur
- Chimie et Matériaux MacroMoléculaires
- ICGM - UMR5253 - CC043 - Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche - 1919 route de Mende - 34293 Montpellier cedex 5
- ☎ 04 48 79 21 17
- 📧
- orcid: 0000-0002-6089-6027
I. A propos
Assistant professor at University of Montpellier since 2005, he is an expert in the synthesis and characterization of polymers. His research activities are currently focused on polyoxazolines, biobased polymers and additives for polymers.
- 2014: HDR entitled “Polyoxazoline and vegetable oils”
- 2005: Assistant professor at University of Montpellier
- 2003-2004: Postdoctoral research associate at CEA, Le Ripault on the development of energetic polymers
- 2002: PhD in organic and macromolecular chemistry, University of Le Mans
Responsable de la 5ème année – Département Matériaux, Polytech Montpellier. Enseignements : matériaux polymères, polymères biosourcés, formulations industrielles, durabilité des polymères
Membre élu à la commission 33ème section
Membre nommé du bureau de département « Chimie Moléculaire et Macromoléculaire » de l’ICGM
Représentant ICGM au GDR « Plastiques and océan »
II. Activités de recherche

Sophisticated polymeric materials & biobased additives and polymers as environmental alternative
Chemical tuning of synthetic polymers like polyoxazolines (POx) or biobased polymers to elaborate nanoobjects, hierarchical structures and custom material
His current research includes the synthesis and the characterization of polymers especially the promising family of polyoxazolines and biobased polymers.
He also works on biobased additives for polymers (plasticizers, surfactants, rheological agents…) to replace controversial petrosourced additives.
More recently he investigated industrial applications of polyoxazolines in biomedical field for the building of intervertebral device, nanovectors for PDT, encapsulation of antioxidants or in energy with electrolytes for Li-ion battery.
He was leader or participant of numerous scientific projects: Feder (Pheophotodyn), PIVERT (Polyadd, Bioaldehyde), FUI (Finather, Humevere), ANR (Pomenvi).
He is collaborating with many research groups in France (IMRCP, ICBMS, LBCM, LPBS, CERMAV…) and international (Brasil (Capes Cofecub), Germany, USA…).
He has also numerous collaborations with industrial partners in biobased materials (Novance, Sofiproteol, ORPIA Innovation, Véolia Eau d’Ile de France, S. Ferrari), biomedical field (3D Medlab, Marle), energy applications (Total S.A., Pellenc Energy, Renault).
III. Production scientifique