Practical information
Practical documents

Single Document (DU): it lists the assessment of occupational risks to the safety and health of workers as well as corrective measures. This document must be updated annually and must contain an annual prevention program.

Safety Register: it records problems related to the real estate aspect, health and safety. Easy and accessible, anyone completes it as needed. The Prevention Assistant ensures that the register is properly kept.

Rules of Procedure (RI): Several points should be noted regarding IR: isolated work is prohibited; no manipulation can be carried out on days of power cut; Night handling must remain exceptional and is regulated.
All these documents can be downloaded from the Collaborative Space of the Prevention Commission.

Reference: Decree No. 2011-774 of 28 June 2011 amending Decree No. 82-453 of 28 May 1982 as amended relating to occupational health and safety and medical prevention in the public service.

Practical information

Right of withdrawal: the right of withdrawal is exercised if you believe you are in a situation of serious and imminent danger to your life or health. In this case, you can withdraw from this situation and if necessary leave the premises to get to safety. Before exercising his right of withdrawal, the employee must report the situation to the employer or his representative. The legitimate exercise of the right of withdrawal may not lead to a reduction in salary or to disciplinary sanctions. On the other hand, the employee may not exercise it if it results in creating a new situation of serious and imminent risk for others.

Useful links

Terms of departure

Elements to be returned:

  • The keys
  • The badge
  • The laboratory notebook

Workstation storage:

  • Product sorting
  • Sorting computer data
  • Signature of the FIE (Individual Exhibition Sheet)