Tzonka Mineva
- Permanent/chercheur
- Chimie Physique Théorique et Méthodologie
- ICGM - UMR5253 - CC043 - Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche - 1919 route de Mende - 34293 Montpellier cedex 5
- ☎ 04 48 79 20 27
- 📧
- orcid: 0000-0002-9156-2396
Research Director CNRS
I. About
Career Path & Training
Teaching & Responsabilities
Career Path & Training
- Research Director, DR1 CNRS (2022 – Present)
- Research Director, DR2 CNRS CNRS (2017 – 2022)
- Researcher, CR1 CNRS (2006 – 2017)
- Senior Researcher, Institut of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2002 – 2006)
- Researcher, Institut of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1993 – 2003)
- DAAD Fellowship, Technische Universitaet, Dresden, Allemagne (2003)
- Alexander von Humbodlt postdoctoral fellowship, Fritz-Haber Institute, MPG (2000 -2001)
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Calabria, Italie (1993 – 1994 )
- PhD Student, Institut of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1990 – 1993)
Teaching & Responsabilities
Lecture courses:
- Quantum mechanics and modelling, European ERASMUS-MUNDUS Master Program MaMASelf, University of Montpellier, France (2012 – 2019)
Tutorials & Summer Schools:
- 2019 “Introduction to DFT and its application to zeolites” GFZ-Topical School, Porquerolles, France
- 2019 “deMon2k and deMon nano tutorial: hands on”- Orsay, France
- 2016 “deMon2k and deMon nano tutorial: hands on” – Zhengzhou, Chine
- 2015 SECAM tutorial “deMon2k and deMon nano” – Orsay, France
- 2011 Heraeus Summer School for Physics. Bremen, Germany
Supervision of students and young researchers:
- 47 master, PhD, master students and young researchers
Other roles of scientific and administrative interest
- 2014 – 2020: Co-leader of group “Materials and Catalysis: design, theory and processes “, ICGM
- 2017 – 2023: Member of the GENCI committee “Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Modeling”
- 2013 – 2019: Panel member of the European Research Council – PE4 -Starting Grants.
- 2021 – 2023: Panel member of ANR evaluation committee (CE29)
II. Research topics

Multiscale modeling of organic-inorganic interfaces in catalysis
We combine DFT and classical molecular mechanics to understand microstructures <-> reactivity relations. The spectral properties that we compute and analyses together with the experimental measurements allow a more rigorous description of host-guest interactions and catalysts active sites. The evolution with time modifies the properties and reactivity. For this reason, we carry out dynamics simulations. Supervised machine learning methods to accelerate the computations are in the focus of our research. Most of the new developments, allowing to couple different scales, are in the deMon2k code.
Research topics
Grants & Collaborations
Research topics
- Methodological developments of computational tools
- Applications to study stability and reactivity of materials
Current research activity :
- Development and applications of theoretical chemistry tools (DFT, QM/MM, machine learning) to study the stability, reactivity and dynamics of (bio)organic/inorganic interfaces of nanomaterials in solid, liquid or gaseous environments.
- Theoretical studies of spectroscopic properties (NMR, IR, XPS, Mössbauer) in relation to electronic and geometric structures beyond zero temperature for the characterization of new heterogeneous catalysts, including single atom catalysts.
- Theoretical methods and their applications are conducted in fruitful collaborations with national and international research teams. The computational tools are mainly included in the deMon2k program. Most of the research projects were supported by the Bulgarian Science Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the European Commission, the ANR.
Past research activity :
- Methodological and computational developments within the framework of density functional theory (DFT) for the calculations of
- reactivity indices;
- solvent effects;
- multi-scale computational approaches.
Grants & Collaborations
Selected scientific projects
- Program ANR: Ultrafast reactivity of biomolecules under Irradiation, PI (2020 – 2024)
- Program ANR: Order and acidity in zeolites promoted by organic structure directing agents. New NMR approaches, modelling and reactivity (2020 – 2024)
- Program Campus France, ECOS-NORD: Advanced QM/MM modeling of nano-systems (2022 – 2025)
- Program LabEx CheMISyst: Site-support interactions in metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts featuring single metal-atom active sites, co-coordinator (2016 – 2019)
- Program Campus France, HPC « Pavle Savic » Cation-π interactions between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and transition metal ions, coordinator (2017-2019)
Program Campus France Eiffel doctoral fellowship (2014-2015)
III. Scientific production
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