Packing note processing
Following receipt of a package:
- If the delivery note was located on the outside of the package, the logistics office will have picked it up and given it to the manager, you will receive a copy by email.
- If the delivery note is inside the package you must send it to the manager who processed the request within 8 days.
You must check your package upon return to your office. If the delivery does not comply with your request, please contact the manager concerned as soon as possible and/or within 8 days.
View the process of receiving a package
Mission order
All staff on mission must have a travel order drawn up before the date of departure and signed by the director of unit. To obtain this mission order, a request must be made via the ICGM mission order request form for:
- a mission order free of charge, which implies that no expenses will be reimbursed to you by the ICGM (e.g. invited to a thesis jury). The completed form must be sent to the generic address:
- a mission order with costs on endowment or postponements of contracts managed by the Management of Shared Financial Resources: the form must be completed and signed by the head of the department and then sent to the generic address: If the form is not signed, your application cannot be processed.
- A contract mission order: the form must be completed and signed by the scientific manager of the project and then sent to the contract manager.
Download the ICGM mission order form
Your mail can be sent:
- In-house for the services or laboratory of the CNRS, UM, ENSCM. For this you can use the internal mail envelopes with hole. As a reminder, the ICGM mail box is CC043.
- Externally, simple mail or registered mail. Forms are available at the reception of the Balard building.
Note: you must complete the address of the recipient on the envelope, indicate your contact details and deposit your mail in the "mail departure" banner located in the room of the photocopier on your floor.
Using Sodexo card
Each department has a card allowing you to invite your guests to the CNRS administrative restaurant "Le Central" and the "Balard" cafeteria. For this you must:
- Book the card with the head of your department.
- At the checkout, pick up the tickets from the card
- Then complete an application in SILabo by indicating as supplier "Sodexo Dpt card", and indicate as a source of funding a CNRS contract.
- After use hand over the card with the tickets to the head of the department.
- For a simple shipment in France, you can use the Colissimo forms, available at the reception of the Balard building.
- A CNRS contract for transport services is awarded to DHL International Express. Via this market it is possible to send paper documents in France and internationally; parcels (only in France and EU) whose weight is less than 30kg, of an amount less than 20k €, not subject to customs fees and not subject to specific regulations (dangerous goods, live animals, temperature constraints).
- If your parcel does not meet market conditions, the shipment will be made by the Ulisse research support unit.
To send a package, please pre-fill the information via the "DHL Shipment Form" form and contact a SGAF manager. For a departure on the same day the request must be made before 11:30.