Prussian blue, a possible cure for cancer?
Well-known for its use as a pigment in paint and the decorative arts, nanoparticles of Prussian blue are said to have properties that can treat and eliminate cancer cells.
Dive into the heart of the Chemistry and Molecular Materials Department (D1) of the Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (ICGM) and discover how our colleagues Yannick Guari, Joulia Larionova, Gautier Félix, Nicolas Fabrègue, Saad Sene, Houda Bellahsene, Aurore Larquey and Farah Abdel Sater are unlocking its secrets to discover the promising properties of nanoparticles of this pigment for application in the healthcare field, and more specifically for cancer therapy.
Production: Association Cosciences (
Production coordination: CNRS Délégation Occitanie Est
This communication is produced and financed within the framework of the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) call for projects “Sciences Avec et Pour la Société – Culture Scientifique Technique et Industrielle” for the “Young researchers” and “Collaborative research projects” projects of the 2018-2019 generic calls for projects (SAPS-CSTI JCJC and PRC AAPG 18/19).