The 13th Colloque Sciences et Technologies des Poudres will be held in Montpellier from June 26 to 28, 2024.

Co-organized by ICGM, QualiSud, IATE, LMGC and C2MA of IMT Mines Alès, this event, which has been organized by the Divided Solids group of the Société Française de Génie des Procédés, aims to bring together industrial and academic players working on fundamental and applied issues relating to divided solids and grains.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to communicate on the latest advances in the discipline, and to encourage exchanges between the process engineering, physics, mechanics, chemistry and physical chemistry communities around a general theme: From model powders to real powders: dialogue from one complexity to another.

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13th Powder Science and Technology Conference // June 26-28, 2024